"There are two ways to live your life:
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

- Albert Einstein


Solar Gallery

10MW solar thermal power plant, Solar 1

The 10-Megawatt (MW) central receiver pilot plant called "Solar 1" located near Barstow, California, was completed in April 1982. It was originally built as a test facility. The initial six-year test span proved a success.

Solar 1 has nearly 2000 heliostats (computer-controlled sun tracking mirrors), with a total reflecting surface area of 24 000 square meters. They were designed to redirect the sun’s rays onto the central receiver tower.

The central receiver tower is 100 meters tall. On top of the tower are 24 receiver panels. Water is pumped through these panels to collect the heat. The concentrated sunlight turned the water into 516°C hot steam to drive a turbine to generate electricity. The steam is converted back to water, and pumped back up to the receiver panels for reuse.

In Solar 2, an innovative new power storage technology using molten salt will be implemented that will enable the system to supplement the local utility's demand for electricity during peak load hours in the night.

Source: www.eren.doe.gov

Webdesign by K.Petritsch - Last update: July 2001