"There are two ways to live your life:
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

- Albert Einstein


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Wind Power in Europe

Wind is a significant and valuable renewable energy resource. It is safe and abundant and can make an important contribution to future clean, sustainable and diversified electricity supplies. Unlike other sources of energy, wind does not pollute the atmosphere and does not create any hazardous waste.

The infrastructural requirements of wind are modest, whilst the potential direct gains in employment are considerable. It is a "high-tech" industry. 90% of the world's wind turbine manufacturers are European, with a combined annual turnover of more than one billion EUROs. The overall economic profile of wind power compares favourably. Whereas the cost of most forms of energy are bound to rise with time, the costs of wind energy are actually coming down.

Wind Energy Capacity Installed in Europe in MW, End December 2000:

Country Power/MW
Germany 6113
Denmark 2300
Spain 2235
Netherlands 446
Italy 427
UK 406
European Union: 12769

Source: http://www.ewea.org/src/europe.htm

Webdesign by K.Petritsch - Last update: July 2001