"Experience is not what happens to you.
It is what you do
with what happens to you."

- Aldous Huxley



Here are some photos from my childhood (and now also some more recent ones). I have been born on a Sunday morning 9:45am on 2nd of February 1969.
This collection will grow as I am getting older and find more time. I want to thank my mum Gertrude Petritsch for taking many of the photographs, scanning and emailing them..

197?: The early Dr.K.Petritsch. A young researcher's attempt to reveal some of nature's mysteries..

1971: My mother and I. Me feeling great on top of the "world". My hair is NOT glowing - I am just blond or better ...white ?

197?: That's me and mum. First time on a boat on the Thalersee in Graz (Austria).
1961: My mum (Gerti Petritsch) with Ing. Ernst Schweighofer - her dance partner after she won the Austrian Ballroom Dance Championships in 1961.

Not far from one of the wettest places on earth - but even there were sunny moments and it was comfortably warm. Never found out how the locals manage to dry clothes there. This was a great place to see caimans, turtles, sloths, yellow snakes, howler monkeys, white face monkeys and every type of iguana!

Somewhere very special: Spent nearly a week on a remote unpopulated island in the Caribbean living from coconuts (you can open them without a machete if you know how..). Here I had several exciting encounters with nurse sharks, marine turtles, stingrays, huge lobsters - while snorkeling!

We shared the island with hundreds of rock size hermite crabs, iguanas frigate birds, red footed boobies...and a spider whose eyes I saw twinkling at dawn from a distance of 3 meters!

During the last night we were considering sunglasses inside the tent because of endless lightning of a storm.


Mexico:Argentine Tango on the temple of the sun with the temple of the moon in the background. Perhaps a first for the spirit of the Maya priests but certainly us.

Mexico: Over 2000 years old with a circumference of 45m this tree is officially the widest tree on earth!


USA: Since summer was over, we could make it to the rim (Grand Canyon) and back up within 9 hours. It was pitch dark when we climbed back..

Costa Rica: Camping just in front of an active vulcano (Arenal) is pretty impressive - and loud when it throws up those red glowing rocks...


Costa Rica: Well, there is such a thing as tame butterflies...

Guatemala: Yet another volcano, this time not erupting but high (about 3000m).


Nicaragua: We had a great time with those guys while waiting for the next boat. Exploring, observing and playing basketball with the locals. Muchas gracias para este foto - Lluis !
Frank, please contact me should you see this!


It was hot in Mexico....








Webdesign by K.Petritsch - Last update: July 2001