For man, it is to know existence and to marvel in it." - Jacques Yves Cousteau (1910 - 1997) |
What is this Solar Passion website about? Although I call it my personal homepage this website is not (all) about me. I regard this site more as a kind of personal journal where I can publish and promote many of those things that matter to me regardless of any external restrictions. Today it comprises already a solar products shop as well as a solar directory and a solar gallery - see links on the left panel. A section about my journeys through South and Central America, the US and Europe will be included soon - for my wildlife, landscape and people photographs click on "solar stock photos". I love traveling, exploring and discovering whatever is out there or inside us. I have also included quite a bit of personal information in the "personal" section - in case somebody is (for some reason) interested in my baby photographs or my favourite Argentine (also Neo-) Tango or Salsa music or even the astro photographs I have taken with my 8inch reflector telescope - or simply my thoughts on the environment, the impact of fast changes and the relationship between trust and fear. You can search this site (several 100 pages) using keywords in the search
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If you want to browse or buy Solar Energy related products, see my selected solar products in Solar Shop. Why SolarPassion? Among those five million species living on our planet one species (humans) is currently using up those resources that have been accumulating over millions of years of harvesting and storing the energy of the sun. The sudden consumption of these huge resources has already changed the global ecosystem with the result that thousands of species get extinct every year. Chances are that the human species will be one of them. On this site I present facts about our environment and promote ideas of how mankind could get along with just one star ("our" Sun) as its sole energy source. I am very passionate about that ...- hence SolarPassion. Anything else? Yes, global problems require global efforts to solve them. Fortunately modern communication can already provide the technical framework to enable worldwide collaboration. However, there are still many social obstacles (such as certain fears or "possessive" thinking) that need to be tackled before politicians will dare to make the necessary decisions. You will also find some ideas on these issues under "Environmental & social".
Enjoy reading - Klaus
(Please let me know if you find any errors or if you have suggestions how to improve the site or even if you just liked it or want rt tell me about your Solar Energy passion) |